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Makkah recent comments:

  • Ain Jalout Secondary School, SeMo0 (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    شبااب انا حابب اسجل في المدرسه .. بس ابغا ارائكم . هل المدرسه ممتازه ؟ كيف المعلمين والمدير والطلاب ؟
  • Loaloat Al Falah Hotel, anwar cook (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    hello iam anwar cook frm arfaat group hydrabad india
  • Ain Jalout Secondary School, نايك اهلكم (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    انيك امكم كلكم
  • Hira General Hospital, Mohammad Noor S. Lazim (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    June 20, 2012 Hira General Hospital Mecca, Saudi Arabia Dear Madam, I had read on your page in the net that your hospital is one of the leading working hospital in saudi arabia. I like your hospital and I am welling to be an asset of your hospital. And I would like to apply for any available position commensurate to my educational qualifications, backgrounds and experiences. I finished my degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Jamiatu Marawi Al-Islamia Foundation, Moncado Kadingilan, Marawi City on March 28, 2011. I took the Licensure Board Examination given by the PRC, Manila held at Cagayan de Oro City last December 18 & 19, 2011. I had worked at City Health Office, Islamic City of Marawi as Nursing Aide, June 1, 2011 to date. I’m useful in administering the care and treatment that doctor prescribes. I am computer literate of MSWord and intermediate excel. Hoping & praying for your favorable consideration and sympathetic action on this matter. Thank you very much and more power! Sincerely yours, MOHAMMAD NOOR S. LAZIM Applicant
  • Al Jiwar Tower Hotel, moazzant (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    i want apicturs for aljiwar hotel from inside to outside
  • فندق فال الجديد, حميدة (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    هل فندق فال الجديد به مطبخ
  • فندق فال الجديد, حميدة (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    السلام عليكم نامل منكم تزويدنا بصور لفندق فال الجديد
  • Tharwat Deyafat Al Rahman Hotel, ياسر (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    عاوز رقم هاتف الفندق
  • golden palace hotel, Javed (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    I Intend to visit saudi arabia with my family of 04 persons to perform Umrah.In this context i need to accomodation in your hotel for 08 days from 29.06.2012 to 07.07.2012. Therefore i request you to quote me coorporate rate of room for my Family.
  • King Fahd Gate, islam (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    اللهم ارزقنا زيارة بيتك الحرام
  • The Three Domes, islam (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    اللهم ارزقنا زيارة بيتك الحرام
  • Talha Bin Obied'Ellah Secondary School, مصطفى (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    المدرسة دي احلى مدرسة في الكون
  • Talha Bin Obied'Ellah Secondary School, مؤمن بالله كافربالمدرسه (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    اختبار التفسير للصف الاول اختراع واله يلعن دخيل ومدرس الادب ومدرسالانشاء ومدرس النحو
  • Al Misfalah, رضوان (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    كم مساف الئ مكه
  • مرسة البنات 54 المتوسطة, طالبة (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    يَ جعلني فدوة للمدرسة دي فديت ابلاتها وطالباتهااا
  • Ramada Hotel Ajyad, ambar43 wrote 13 years ago:
  • مدرسة بلاط الشهداء, احسن طالب حامد المالكي (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    احسن طالب حامد المالكي
  • Khalidiya primary school, فوزي محمدعلي الزويهري (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
  • المدرسة الثانوية الثامنة و العشرون للبنات, LoLo (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    مافي احلى من مدرسة ٢٨ فيه احلى ذ كرياتي مع صديقاتي -IŁöŁō-MëNö-MêMô1&2-Âbõrh -TöTh-Bêsö
  • Talha Bin Obied'Ellah Secondary School, saed (guest) wrote 13 years ago: