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Makkah recent comments:

  • HOTEL LULU MEEZAB, Oume (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    Hello can anyone give me the contact number and email address for LULU hotel
  • Sawaed Al Khair Hotel, محمد علي العدوان (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    غب في معرفة الاسعار من الفترة بين 3
  • HOTEL LULU MEEZAB, shahzaed (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    how i can get your hotel for live 3 days
  • kubri pakistan rio, wadood_terang wrote 12 years ago:
    kubri pakistan mad by pakistani supervoiser shukat marhoom
  • فندق فال التاج - الفالح, muhammad (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    nice pictures
  • Pullman ZamZam Makkah Hotel (ZamZam tower), Waladan Mardijja (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    Assalaamu'alaikum Warohmatulloohi Wabarokaatuh. Bismillaahirrohmaanirrohiim. Nahmaduhu Wanusholli Wanusallim 'Alaa Rosuulihil Kariim. Amma Ba'du. Insya Alloh, Kami satu rombongan Jama'ah Umroh dari Bilad Tour Bogor Indonesia akan berangkat menunaikan Ibadah Umroh pada tanggal 7 Februari 2013. Pembimbing dan sekaligus pimpinan rombongan yang diutus dari Bilad Tour Bogor adalah H. Waladan Mardijja, A.Md., SE.Sy. dan salah satu tempat tinggal selama di Mekkah adalah di Hotel Zam-zam ini. Mohon do'anya agar Alloh SWT. memberikan keberkahan dan keselamatan kepada kita semua. Dan Umroh kami diterima oleh Alloh SWT. (Mabrur, Makbul dan Mabruk). Aaamiin Yaa Alloh Yaa Robbal 'Aalamiin. Jazakumullooh khoiron katsiiron. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin. Subhaanakalloohumma Wabihamdika Ashaduallaailaaha illaa Anta Astagfiruka Wa'atuubu Ilaik.
  • REFFADA 3 STAR HOTEL, mjkh (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
  • Al Abrar A'athahabi, Hilmanie Ramadhan (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    The hotel for my umroh 2013
  • خدماتكو لتأجير السيارات, Khadamatco Rent a Car`s (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    Khadamatco Rent a Car`s
  • zahoor ahmad khan (building), zahoor ahmad khan (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    my building
  • Elaf Ajyad Hotel, maro (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    please, tell me is it on a very high hill that the very old woman can't walk on it.
  • Dar Al Khalil Hotel, baha turizm (guest) wrote 12 years ago: what is your mail adres. we want to your hotel price list.
  • Shohada Hotel, روقااااااان (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    انصح به فندق محترم وهادي ورااااايق
  • قباء الثانوية بمكة المكرمة 26737 High school , سامي عطية عاطي الصحفي (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    سامي عطية عاطي الصحفي
  • قباء الثانوية بمكة المكرمة 26737 High school , سامي عطية عاطي الصحفي (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    اريد تحديث بيانات التخرج انا سامي عطية الصحفيفى مدرسة قباء الثانوية اخر تحديث لي المدرسة عام 14281429وانا
  • Ar Rasaifah, Abdulkarim ِِabou khashan (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    الله يحييها ويحيي أهلها هم من أهلنا في البلاد المقدسة واحنا من أهلهم أحفاد الفاتحين دارهم كانت تبوك ثم ساحل الخان(يونس لكن ما يبقى في الوادي غار حجاره كما يقول الطاهر بن وطّار
  • عمارة المهندس/ زكي الجوهرجي, م حاتم 01069454401 (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    high for all
  • بناية جوهرة السلطان - العزيزية الشمالية, Khalid (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    We have been lived in this building during hajj
  • Al-Haram Mosque (Great Mosque of Mecca), Waladan Mardijja (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    Yaa Alloh Yaa Rohmaan Yaa Rohiim send Waladan Mardijja bin Daos bin Dawud and his Families here again and again for Haji and Umroh Mabrur. Birohmatika Yaa Arhamarroohimiin.
  • wahet al deyafa hotel, sidki adil (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    salam ila haj bouzid lakbir